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Point of Sale

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    The Pointofsale module of Meghdoot software aims at computerising the PO counter work. All the counter operations except savings bank transactions can be carried out through this package. The software is capable of handling all the following transactions that are performed at the PO counter 
Booking of all categories of accountable articles of inland mail like registered letters/parcels/packets, insured letters/parcels, VP letters/packets/parcels etc., 

Undertaking financial transactions like booking of various categories of money orders, accepting PLI premia, accepting telephone bills, accepting miscellaneous receipts, sale and payment of Indian Postal Orders etc., 

Booking of speed post articles domestic/foreign 

Booking of all categories of accountable articles of foreign mail. 

Attending pincode enquiry
Two components of the package are available. One is the standalone version and the other, client-server version. Option is also available to link the client-server version with other modules.

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The Postman module of Meghdoot software, which aims to computerise the delivery work of the Post Office, is capable of handling the followingitems of work of delivery department.

Receipt of registered / VP / insured letters / parcels, issue to postmen, watching delivery of the articles issued, delivering articles across the counter and maintaining accurate account of the articles handled.

Issue of money orders received for payment to postmen, watching delivery, payment across the counter and maintaining account thereof

Maintaining account of unregistered articles received for delivery that are unpaid/insufficiently paid, issuing these to postmen and watching delivery thereof

Attending to enquiries about the articles received and disposed.
Sub Account

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Sub accounts module of Meghdoot package computerises the compi -lation work of the subordinate offices accounts under a Head Post Office. With this module, the following operations of the sub accounts branch can be perfor -med Accounting of the subordinate office accounts(Sub Offices and branch offices) reported through daily accounts, consolidating the transactions under various transaction heads, editing the transaction figures under individual heads and in the end preparing a consolidated report(SO/BO Summary)
Confirming the balances reported by subordinate offices in their daily accounts, through S.O/B.O slips, accounting of remittances of cash/stamps/cheques made to the subordinate offices and generating reports of unadjusted remittances(SO/BO transit/advance)

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Treasurer module of Meghdoot package computerises the treasury work of the Head Post Office.

With this module, the following operations of the Trea -sury branch can be performed Maintaining
Cash and Stamp Balance of HO Maintaining of Cash and Stamp advances given to counter and also remittances received form the counters Generation of treasures cash book

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SpeedNet module of Meghdoot package computerises the Delivery and Tracking of Speedpost articles .Further This module takes care BNPL account.This module will perform the following activities,

Delivering Speedpost articles

Tracking Speedpost articles on internet

Maintaining BNPL customer accounts.

Download User Manual for General Cash
User Manual for Bank Reconciliation

 User Manual for General & PayBill
User Manual for NPC
User Manual for Other Bills 

User Manual for Pension
User Manual for Schedules Pension
The Accountant package of Meghdoot undertakes to computerise the work of Accounts section of the Head Post Office. The accounts branch of the Head Post office is responsible, apart from drawl of salary for all the members of staff including those working in subordinate offices, for the consolidation of the accounts of the Head office as a whole and to prepare various reports connected thereto .The following are the items of work performed in this branch, which this package is able to handle 
Drawing of establishment pay bills of all the officials of various categories, maintaining relevant registers, keeping an account of bills paid/unpaid, preparing salary slips etc., 
Maintaining GPF accounts of the employees , preparing bills for advances/withdrawals from the fund. 
Preparing pension vouchers of pensioners drawing pension through HO and subordinate offices, maintaining the details of periodical payments made, drawal of arrears in case of enhancement of any component of pension. 
Preparation of schedules for transactions like Unclassified receipts/payments, remittances exchanged with other head offices and other offices, remittances exchanged with banks, bills paid, pension paid etc, and comparing the transactions reported through individual vouchers for these components with the total amount reported through daily accounts and HO summary 
Drawing any other category of bills throughout the month, based on sanctions and watching for payment thereof. 
Maintaining database of Postal life insurance policies, entering details of premia accepted / related payments and generating periodical reports.
Adjustment of remittances exchanged with the banks on receipt of scrolls from the bank and preparing reconciliation statement 
Maintaining details of petty expenses and preparation of reports thereof through NPC bills 
Follow up of the employees' salaries and other payments for calculation of income tax.
Philately Explorer
Philately Explorer is a software for exploring the stamps released in India. This package can perform the following activities, Software can show list stamps released in alphabetical order and chronological order .

Selected stamps, picture, date of release etc... will be displayed by click of a button.

Administrator can add, delete and modify the stamps.
Database Workshop
Database Workshop Sites is a tool for updating MS-SQL Server ver 7.0 or ver 2000 databases.

This package can perform the following activities,

Modification of databases at user end.

If errors are there after modification ,generates error report.
Sparsh is a touch screen software, can be used in Post offices and other places where public do transactions. This software can be used by touching the touch screen placed in the Touch Kiosk. This package can perform the following activities,

Gives information about various services available to the public by touch of a button on the screen.

Gives latest tariffs for postal articles. Gives details Savings Schemes available in post offices with latest interest rates. Customer can also know what will be the return they get by specifying the amount to be invested.

Interactive Quiz is also there to know more about philately.

Other information like local tourists places, city map, telephone directory are also available.
Terminal Dues & Transit Charges
This is a Computer Based Training software developed for Uiniversal Postal Union to train people working in office of exchange. This package can perform the following activities,

Trainee can use this software for self learning and evaluation of his knowledged.

Any number of students can be entered, this software keeps profile for each student.

There are three parts, study, practice and test. This cycle can train the student to understand Terminal dues and Transit charges. Original forms used are shown and in practice and test student can fill this form.

Student can know his score graphically and numerically.

Multi Media usage that is, Audio and video techniques makes the student more perfect.
Personalised Stamps
Personalised Stamps software can be used to print the personalised stamps.

Along with the Pre- Printed Postage Stamps photo of a person or any other thing which customer wants can be printed.

Personalised stamps are popular in most of the advanced countries.

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