Reply to FAQ :
1. How to install Point of sale in Network mode?
In the Server:
- SQL Standard Version has to be installed and started.
- Install the Pre Requisites (see Q3 for details)
- Check up in the SQL Enterprise manager, whether the old Counter or IPO databases
are present, if so delete them.
- Check up in the Add Remove programs, whether old point of sale Server version exists,
if so remove it.
- Check up in the rot of the hard disk, whether any LDF or MDF file of Counter or
IPO is present, if so delete them. This check has to done only after checking the
SQL Enterprise manager for old Counter and IPO DB and deleting them if exists.
- Check up in Program files folder of the drives whether old pointofsaleserver folder
exists, if so delete it.
- Install the Server Component –note down the path where it is installed.
- After installation – share the path. Under Permissions - add the required user with
full powers.
In the Client:
- Confirm that the SQL in the server is running
- Confirm that the Network link is proper
- Confirm that you have logged in as user with full rights (or as a power user).
- Install the SQL Client component
- Install the Pre Requisites
- Check up in the Add Remove programs, whether old point of sale client version exists,
if so remove it.
- Find or search for poin*.cab file in Windows or System or System32 folder. If found,
delete it.
- Check up in the Program Files folder of the drive, whether the old installation
folder - ie., Meghdoot Millennium Point Of Sale exists, if so , delete the folder.
- Install the Client Component and then configure.
2. How to install Point of Sale in Stand Alone mode?
- In the Stand Alone machine with SQL Desktop (if SQL 7) or SQL Personnal (if SQL
2000): or Install MSDE from the version 6.0 CD. (This is your database at the back
- Install the Pre Requisites
- Install the Point of sale Server component and client component - both in the same
machine. Read the instruction for network point of sale installation.
3. Whether Pre Requisites are required while installing Point of Sale?
Yes .They are as follows.
Softwares |
Updates |
Windows XP |
Latest service pack (SP2+) |
Windows 2000 |
Latest service pack(SP4 *)
Windows 95 or 98
Latest service pack (WIN 98 SP1*)WMI (wmi9x.exe*) |
SQL 7 |
Latest service pack (SP3*) MDAC 2.7 *
SQL 2000 |
Latest service pack(SP4*) MDAC 2.7 *
* Available in installation CD
+ Available in Microsoft Site.
4. How to Upgrade Point of Sale?
The Up gradation has to be done under
the following situations only.
- You are already using the Point of sale (Network
mode) with SQL RDBMS.
- You have received the new Point of sale CD.
- Now you have to upgrade the Point of sale package as follows.
i. Uninstall the Point
of sale Client component if the Point Of Sale package is upgraded to Version
5.1, . The existing server component will work with version 6.0. Otherwise Server
component also needs to be reinstalled.
ii. Reinstall the Client component from
the New CD
iii. Install the latest Database Work shop program in the server or client.
iv. Run the Data Base Work Shop program. While running
this program point of sale should not be used by any counter.
v. When the File Name
is asked, select the Counter.Sql file available in the CD using the Browse option.
vi. With the above steps the database COUNTER of Point of sale is upgraded. If you
are using IPO options in Point of Sale– then IPO.Sql file has to be used to upgrade
the IPO database.
- After up gradation when you have problems and contacted
PTC –and specifically asked to upgrade the database with the latest Script files
available in the www.ptcinfo.Org site, then you need not uninstall and reinstall
client but only down load the latest script file from the Downloads option of the
site and upgrade the database and if the exe also to be upgraded then down load
the new exe from the site and copy into the application path.
5. Whether Point of Sale Stand Alone can be upgraded?
If Point of Sale Stand Alone set
is installed then - Up gradation as such is not available. However, you may take
backup of Master tables and uninstall the Package. Install new version and then
restore the master tables. If Point of Sale Server component and Client both
are installed in the same machine and the SQL RDBMS is used, then the up gradation
is same as explained for network installation.
6. Point of Sale is working
in the Network without Treasury Link. How to link treasury in future?
If the point
of sale is already installed and running and you have installed the Treasury now,
then, do the following – · Confirm that you have given the Point of sale server
name while configuring the Treasury. If not – use Supervisor menu Tools - Counter
Server Name option– to type the name of the server. · Now login as Point of sale
supervisor – option –Treasury Server Name under Treasury menu. Type the name of
the Treasury server. · Now you will get Treasury options in PA options also. · When
Sub Accounts and Treasury is installed – you will also get IPO menu and options.
7. When Point of sale is installed the IPO options are not found.
How to get IPO options?
- When Sub Accounts and Treasury packages are installed – and the oint
of SAle supervisor has given the Treasury Server Name in supervisor menu option,
then you will get IPO menu and options under Supervisor and Operator.
- You
have to use Users option under My Office menu. Add a user with Access level – IPO
SPA. Configure the IPO options in supervisor and IPO SPA options.
8. Whether Delete
Transaction option is available in Point of sale? If so who will do it?
Delete Transaction
option is available only to System Administrator of Point of Sale in Network Mode.
9. If the System Administrator Password is lost , what is the
remedy ?
No remedy.
The package has to be reinstalled.
10. If the Postmaster Password is lost, what is the remedy?
Call the System Administrator. He can change the Supervisor
password. He cannot see the password set by the supervisor as the password appears
in * marks but he can delete the star marks and set a new password. Whenever the
password of the supervisor is so changed by the system administrator – supervisor
has to again change it and keep it secret.
11. While reinstalling the Point of sale in network mode -
afresh, what are the steps to be taken?
- Uninstall the server component and also check up whether the installation folder
remains in the hard disk even after uninstall ion. If remains, delete the folder.
- Delete the
database –COUNTER and IPO (if available) from SQL Enterprise Manager option.
- Check
up in the hard disk, whether LDF and MDF files of Counter or IPO exist, if so delete
them. (LDF and MDF files will remain in the hard disk, if the SQL is uninstalled
without deleting the application databases from enterprise manager)
- Uninstall
the client component from the client machine and also check up whether the installation
folder remains in the hard disk even after uninstall ion. If remains, delete the
- Use Find or Search option and find whether poi*.cab file(s) of old installations
are still remaining in the disk. If so, delete them
- Now you may go for reinstallation.
12. While starting the ‘Point of sale’ error –Error 52. Bad
File name or path.
The reasons may be -
- The network connection is not there or not proper.
Check up the cable connection and the hub.
- The network user is not having full
powers. Check up the rights of the user.
- The point of Sale sharing is removed.
Check up the point of sale Server folder in the server computer.
13. While starting the Point of sale package error – ‘Error
in opening the database’.
The reasons may be –
- The Server component is not installed/uninstalled in the server. Check
up and install it.
- Install the pre requisite Mdac in client computer
- Change
the protocol in the SQL Client Network Utility option.
- The SQL Client may not
be properly installed. Hence uninstall and install it again.
- After reinstallation
of SQL client – uninstall Point of Sale Client component and install.
14. While
configuring the Database – Passport Configuration was not done properly as the service
was not provided at that time. Now the Service has to be provided. How to configure
it again without uninstalling the package?
Do the following steps to configure
the Passport service again.
- Under Supervisor menu –My Office –open Additional
services option. Deselect the Speed Post Passport service and click on Ok.
- Again
under –My Office –open Enable Additional services option. Select the Speed Post
Passport service and click on Ok
- Then, click on My Office menu – you will get
an option – Passport office Information. Open it and configure the information.
15. While booking the Speed Post articles – Scanner mode is coming by default. If
we want manual mode – how to change?
There is no provision to change to Manual
mode. If there is no scanner at the office, the Bar Code number has to be typed
while booking the article.
16. A new Weighing machine is being used but the
machine is not reading the weight. What to do?
- Under Tools menu select Weighing
Machine option
- If it is already ticked deselect it and again select it. If not
already ticked, tick it.
- Now you will get a text box to enter the delay value.
Minimum value is 5000. By maximizing the delay value by 1000, you can test, at what
delay value, your new weighing machine reads the weight.
17. Whether Network printer can be used for printing the reports?
No. If you select Network Printer then
you will get File/Path Access error. Only local printer can be used.
18. Treasury
menu is not appearing in Point of Sale. What is the reason?
- The Treasury options
will appear only after installing the Treasury (in Network mode). In order to get
the treasury options do the following.
- Install Sub Accounts and Treasury package
- Confirm that you have given the Point of sale server name while configuring
the Treasury. If not – use Treasury Supervisor menu -Tools - Counter Server Name
– to type the name of the server.
- Now login as Point of sale supervisor open
option–Treasury Server Name under Treasury menu. Type the name of the Treasury server.
- Now you will get Treasury menu in Operator screen also.
- When Sub Accounts and Treasury is installed – you will also get IPO menu and options.
19. How to get VP Adjustment entries under Treasury menu of
PA ?
- Under Postman Package
– the VP Articles are given to postman for delivery.
- Returns for the postman is
taken and let’s assume all VP Articles are delivered.
- The VP Cash along with other
cash should be credited to Treasury.
- The APM of Postman package has to submit
the Postman data under Treasury menu –> Submit –> Postmen and submit the VP
Details under Transfer VP Details option.
- Now, the VP Article entries appear under
Point of Sale operator menu –>Treasury –> VP Article Adjustment.
- The VP
articles have to be booked .Note the Total amount to be adjusted.
- Under Treasury
menu - VP Articles Adjustment option - select the entries and check the VP Total
Amount to be adjusted. Click on Ok.
20. What is the use of Add Transaction
option under Treasury menu of PA?
The following are the usages.
- The Supervisor,
under the menu Treasury –option –Transaction Master, can add the transactions, which
are not available in the Operator menu such as British Postal Order Payment etc..
The PA can enter such transactions and get all transaction entries in Submit Account
report under Treasury menu. While adding such transactions, the head of account
has to be selected properly to get correct head in the HO Summary. If any head of
account is not available in the list, such head may be added under Treasury Supervisor
menu option - Add Receipt or Payment Heads. Such head should be made permanent under
Sub Accounts Supervisor menu option - Covert Temporary Fields.
- Whenever, the package
could not be used for few hours due to computer problem or power problem – the PA
has to resort to Manual Booking mode. If the problem is set right on the same day
before working hours, then under Transaction Master option of the supervisor -he
can authorize such manually booked transaction heads such as MO Issue, TRC UCR,
revenue realized in Cash, Speed post revenue etc. PA can add transactions booked
manually to computer package and continue booking in the computer. At the end of
the day – his submit account record will include all entries ie, manually booked
and computerized transactions.
21. If once the Submit Account is printed –whether it can be
modified? How to submit the NPO Cash ?
The submit account entries
cannot be modified. But if any additions have to be made to submit account-
the supervisor can Undo the Submit account under Treasury menu – Accounts Editing
option. Now the Submitted Account will be returned to PA and PA can book the transactions
say late VPMO etc… and again submit the account with full details to supervisor.
NPO Cash:
1. If the Treasurer is present during the NPO time - then
as usual the NPO cash will be handed over to treasury. Then the Submit Account may
be printed and Shift end can be done to take the reports.
2. If the Treasurer
is present partly during the NPO period - then until Treasury working hours, the
cash mayl be given to treasury. Rest of the cash will be handed over to the Supervisor
under Treasury menu option - Debit Adjustment. Select the name of the Supervisor
under this option and enter the cash details. Supervisor in turn will shown it as
received from Counter under Supervisor menu Treasury. Now the PA will have the Submit
Account balance zero and he can print the Submit Account. The partial cash which
was given to treasurer will appear as Out Of Account Cash in HO Summary. Next
day morning the Supervisor has to transfer that cash to Treasurer and Treasure will
receive that cash and the out of account cash of previous day HO Summary will be
adjusted against proper head of account.
3. If the Treasurer's working hours
are over before starting the NPO then - the entire cash collection of the counter
will be given to the Supervisor and rest of the procedure as explained in point
number 2 will be followed. Such transactions will appear in the HO Summary of the
following day.
22. What is the use of ‘Delete Inactive Counter’ option
under Tools menu of Supervisor?
- Sometimes, When there is sudden power Cut or Run
Time error the package is closed abruptly.
- In such situations, during next login
, the message says Counter is already logged in, though actually no PA is logged
into such Counter number.
- In such situations – note down the Counter number and
use the supervisor menu Tools – option Delete Inactive counter and delete such inactive
- Next when you login, it will be allowed.
23. Whether speed post barcode number with prefix other than
EE can be used while booking ?
After installation of Point of Sale, the package is started for the
first tme- error 'Run time Error- 429: Cannot create ActiveX Components' appears.
What is the solution?
Installation of the latest service packs for the Operating
System, SQL server and MDAC2.7 will solve this problem.
25. While installing the Point of Sale client – error
‘st6unst file not found’ error appears or while installing the Point of sale – when
clicked on Set Up icon – error- Set Up Cannot start Main setup program. Create process
O returned error code 0x000000C1H.
- Some times the earlier installation files may get remained in the hard
disk and create such above errors.
- Find or Search for the Poin*.cab file in Windows
or System or System32 folder. If exists, delete it. Then do the installation.
26. When the supervisor password is given and clicked on Ok –error – ‘Not
a valid Book mark’.
If the Counter.MDB file in the Pointofsaleserver folder in Server
is corrupted – this error will occur. The solution is –
- Take Database back
up of Counter and IPO in the Hard disk under SQL Enterprise Manager.
- Server component to be uninstalled and installed again.
- Run the client and configure
the package.
- Delete the newly created database COUNTER and IPO.
- Restore
the Counter and IPO from Backup
- Copy Counter.MDB file from Pointofsaleserver
folder in Server and paste it in a different folder .Whenever configuration changes
are done, take the backup of Master tables under Point of Sale supervisor menu for
any future error of this type. By overwriting the Counter.Mdb and by restoring the
Master tables – this problem may be solved.
27. How to book
Service MOs received from Accounts branch , if the Accounts is not connected with
Counter ?
- Book the MO as usual under the Service MO option
- Supervisor
has to add under Treasury ->Add Transactions, a transaction named Bills Paid
and it should be linked with the Bills Paid head in the Account head option.
- Now
the PA has to use the Treasury menu, add transactions option and enter the Bills
Paid amount equal to the Service MOs booked in the counter. With these
steps the receipt side and payment sides are adjusted.
28. Not able
to add UCR purposses in Point of sale supervisor option?
The Treasury link is required
for this purpose.
29. How to scanner mode (barcode) on for Foreign
In Point of Sale Supervisor, Myoffice->Environment ->Myoffice (tab)
then check the option "Barcode on Foreign articles"
30. How to scanner
mode (barcode)on for TRC transaction?
In Point of Sale Supervisor, Myoffice->Environment
->Myoffice (tab) then check the option " TRC data has to be sent to dot."